I know I say this often, but, where does the time go?? Zoey and Gage will be 3 months old in exactly one week (June 26th). We can't believe how fast they are growing. I find myself taking a million photos a day because they are too darn cute.. Of course, I'm their mother so I am always going to see their beauty!
Lets see, what's new.. They are both talking like crazy, blowing raspberries, and moving around. Zoey pushed herself over onto Gage yesterday (so partially rolled over). Gage pushes himself around too.. just mostly to find the television. lol.. Not an intentional habit!! They are some very strong and determined babies!
We celebrated Derek's first Father's Day. It was a beautiful day out and I was thankful that he was feeling okay that day. With his Wegeners Disease we never know what the day will bring for him. Sometimes he has to leave work to come home and go to bed since he can't function. We take one day at a time and appreciate our family time together. Sometimes it takes a very dangerous health scare to realize how much mor important family time is compared to work and other life issues.
As for me, I am going strong. I am officially back to work full time. Luckily, I get to spend every day watching my little ones grow. Its not easy to care for them and work, but the reward is very high. I couldn't imagine someone else taking them all day. I know people just have to do it, but I'll take my life. I never planned on being this busy coming right back into work, but Derek's medical bills sure did rack up so we must do what we can.
Overall we are a happy little family that can't wait for the day we get to wake up and stay in our pajamas all day!! Haha

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