Friday, November 29, 2013

8 months

A little camera fun for their 8th month. We have made it another month into parenthood. I have to say we are both exhausted as things have changed. Both babies have turned into newborn sleeping habits again. Yuck! No, really, it's not that bad, but we are extremely tired from being woke up at night. 
 This last month has been an exciting one though. Zoey is climbing on top of things and pulling things off of shelves like crazy. We call her hurricane Zoey. Can't believe she will be walking soon! Gage is doing fantastic as well. He is worming his way to things and dragging toys out. He tries to pull himself onto things, but doesn't realize he isn't as coordinated to stand :-/  He does sit up on his own and tends to climb on the television stand. These two keep us very busy. So thankful we decided to try one last time for these miracles. Happy belated Thanksgiving all!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Derek's Health

Let's start off with baby updates as they had their 4 month check up a week ago today. Gage was weighing in at almost 14 pounds and Zoey weighed in a little over 11. This wasn't as big of a jump as I guessed, but still great for their sizes. They are growing longer and catching up in the percentiles. Still amazes me sometimes that they both fit in my belly... until I see my reminder marks. HAHA. Not enough Organic Cocoa Butter for this belly!
 We start music class this September at West Music. It's very exciting as they are starting to do soo many things and talk a ton. Gage loves to read books and look at the pictures. He seems to have figured out how to turn the pages. His favorite book is "That's Not My Frog". He is very close to rolling over, but hasn't given it much efforts as he is content on his belly or back. We say he is very laid back and likes to take in conversation.The best part is when he watches Zoey and tries to talk to her. She hasn't quite been intrigued by him yet. Zoey has been rolling over since 3 months and is really pushing herself to crawl. She hasn't got her arm strength quite there, but we know it's coming soon. Right now they both play with toys a ton and chew, chew, chew. They chew on toys and their hands like crazy. Zoey has found her feet with her hands so it looks like she is pushing all the time! Way too entertaining. They have had many firsts this month. We have taken them to swing at the park, swimming at the pool, and watched the parade (Gage Slept through the firetrucks and Zoey kept her eyes on the ponies). Love them to pieces.
  Derek had a follow up with his Rheumatologist yesterday. He has been having a really bad flare up this month and it won't seem to go down. They had him finally down to 20mg of prednisone (as he was at 60mg in March), but upped it back to 30mg yesterday since he wasn't doing well. His four rounds of infusions he did while I was on maternity leave don't seem to be helping so they have finally put him on a different drug. He started Methotrexate today and hoping for this to work and put things into remission or they will have to keep trying stronger drugs until we find one that works. It is very nerve wracking watching him go through the pain as it is, but adding these scary side effect can be even worse. They will be testing his bone marrow monthly to make sure its not deteriorating with this new drug. Each day has been a challenge for him and he tries so hard to make it to work. This week he has missed most days. I told him I don't care if he works or not as his health is most important. If we have to sell and live in a dinky apartment, I am find with that!
 For now, we just spend as much family time together as possible when he can function. Going outside is hard for him as the light hurts his eye. His vision has been okay, but a little wonky at times. Just thankful he isn't blind since we found this just in time!!

As for me... I hold down the fort as well as possible and that's all that matters. I do get out daily for boot camp (great stress reliever), but totally need a real breather once in awhile. Thank goodness for Derek's mom. Could use all the support we can get right now and she definitely helps out a ton!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

4 months and counting..

Totally just spent an hour blogging about Derek's health condition update and babies, but it got lost. Will have to try again soon :-(

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Almost 3 Months!!

I know I say this often, but, where does the time go?? Zoey and Gage will be 3 months old in exactly one week (June 26th). We can't believe how fast they are growing. I find myself taking a million photos a day because they are too darn cute.. Of course, I'm their mother so I am always going to see their beauty! 
 Lets see, what's new.. They are both talking like crazy, blowing raspberries, and moving around. Zoey pushed herself over onto Gage yesterday (so partially rolled over). Gage pushes himself around too.. just mostly to find the television. lol.. Not an intentional habit!! They are some very strong and determined babies! 
 We celebrated Derek's first Father's Day. It was a beautiful day out and I was thankful that he was feeling okay that day. With his Wegeners Disease we never know what the day will bring for him. Sometimes he has to leave work to come home and go to bed since he can't function. We take one day at a time and appreciate our family time together. Sometimes it takes a very dangerous health scare to realize how much mor important family time is compared to work and other life issues. 
 As for me, I am going strong. I am officially back to work full time. Luckily, I get to spend every day watching my little ones grow. Its not easy to care for them and work, but the reward is very high. I couldn't imagine someone else taking them all day. I know people just have to do it, but I'll take my life. I never planned on being this busy coming right back into work, but Derek's medical bills sure did rack up so we must do what we can. 
 Overall we are a happy little family that can't wait for the day we get to wake up and stay in our pajamas all day!! Haha