Hello, Bloggers!!
It has been way too long. Life gets wild and crazy with two toddlers ruling the house. Not to mention, the other 8 children I care for throughout the week!
Life is well for my two little boogers. They are talking and fighting beautifully. Ha! We are officially onto our 20th month. We can't believe they will be two soon 😢. I am ready sweating with party ideas. I have the theme, but feel like there is lots to do. Yep, I know there isn't, but it feels like it.
Derek is doing well (for those of you who care). He hasn't hit remission yet, but he has been feeling better than he used to. There are medications he has to work on getting off of that are taking longer to do than they hoped. We had a few liver enzym scares, but things have been getting on track with medication adjustments. Unfortunately, we have come to the realization that we have hit life's best for him. He won't feel 100% ever again. Life is scary with a significant other having an illness!! We love him so anyways!
My mother has been diagnosed with MS... Talk about autoimmune drama a in my kid's lives. We are waiting on results to see what type, as there are four. Makes me nervouse since it's not sounding good. My brother and I are her beneficiaries so we are already prepping to take care of her. Sounds premature, but with my family having issues and my brother having 4 kids and a wife of his own, there is no way we could just pay for our mom's medical bills and living expenses. Life throws you lemons and you make lemonade. Sometimes you drink in straight and sometimes you add a little pazzaz.

If anyone would would like to donate to my first attempt at raising money for my mom the link is below. It will go towards costs of all sorts to help her out. She has put my brother and I in charge of all money contributions. Ahh!!