Where does the time go?? I was told once we got past the holidays it will seem like there isn't much time left before babies come.. Whoever told me that was right! We have up to 10 weeks left before our little boy and I girl get here. It sounds like the OB is giving us until 35-36 weeks tops so we will be impressed to make it farther.
We had an OB appointment last week (Wednesday) and I was measuring 33 weeks. I passed my Glucose test, got my RH shot (shot for people with negative blood types) and got an ultrasound all this week. It seems that things are picking up the closer we get. I officially have reached my two week appointment periods. This means I go back again next week already. Then I will start my stress tests the week after. It sounds like I will go twice a week to keep tabs on these little ones and make sure there is plenty of room in there for them to grow.
Ultrasound on Monday went very well. Both babies were measuring a week ahead, YAY!! Baby boy weighed in at 2 pounds 14 ounces and baby girl weighed in at 2 pounds 13 ounces. Keeping very equal to size. I was happy to hear that both babies were head down since baby girl was breech last ultrasound. Grandma Laurie went with me since daddy had to work. I felt bad that he had to miss this one because it was the funniest one yet. Baby girl pulled her feet up to brothers face and kept kicking him. Though, I felt bad, it was adorable watching his happy face frown up and look like he was crying. It was the most heart melting moment yet. Luckily we caught some action on pictures and video to share. We absolutely can't wait for them to get here, but there is plenty to be done until then for sure.
We finally have our baby shower this weekend. Very excited to get a chance to experience one. Can't wait to see everyone! Then it's time to tie down and finish our house chores so things are organized for when babies come home. We also have our breast feeding class next week so hoping we learn a lot more than we already know. Can never be too prepared to keep the determination going!!
Baby boy |
Baby boy starting to get upset |
baby girls feet in brothers face |
baby girl was wild today so she refused a mug shot |